Development Boards

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8 pc(s)
M5Camera is a development board for digital image processing. It can be programmed for facial recognition, webcam or other image processing applicaton. It features an ESP32 chip with 4M Flash and 520K RAM, and a 2-Megapixel image sensor (OV2640). It also comes with 4 Mbyte PSRAM for extra...

1 pc(s)
M5Stack is a robust, Arduino compatible, open source development kit with stackable modules, enabling rapid and high-quality IoT prototyping. This M5Stack Mini GPS Module is built around the AT6558 GNSS module. The 56-channel 6 positioning engine boasts a Time-To-First-Fix (TTFF) of...

10 pc(s)
M5Stack is a robust, Arduino compatible, open source development kit with stackable modules, enabling rapid and high-quality IoT prototyping. This M5Stack Angle Module is a rotary switch Unit, simply having a 10K potentiometer inside. This unit can be used for Continuous singal dialing...

9 pc(s)
M5Stack is a robust, Arduino compatible, open source development kit with stackable modules, enabling rapid and high-quality IoT prototyping. This M5Stack HUB Module is used for GROVE port expanding. It allows three I2C devices with unique address to connect to M5Stack Core. This HUB is...

9 pc(s)
M5Stack is a robust, Arduino compatible, open source development kit with stackable modules, enabling rapid and high-quality IoT prototyping. This M5Stack Light Module uses photo cell to measure light intensity. The resistance of the photo cell depending on the amount of light it is...

1 pc(s)
M5Stack is a robust, Arduino compatible, open source development kit with stackable modules, enabling rapid and high-quality IoT prototyping. This M5Stack GPS Module is built around the NEO-M8N GNSS module from ublox. The NEO-M8 modules utilize concurrent reception of up to three GNSS...

4 pc(s)
M5Stack is a robust, Arduino compatible, open source development kit with stackable modules, enabling rapid and high-quality IoT prototyping. This M5Stack Stackable Servo module is designed for quick prototyping of servo motor project. It can supports up to 12 servo motors. The on-board MEGA328...

8 pc(s)
M5Stack is a robust, Arduino compatible, open source development kit with stackable modules, enabling rapid and high-quality IoT prototyping. This M5Stack Stackable STEPMOTOR module is built around three units of DRV8825 stepper motor controllers. It is perfect for any motion project as it can...

4 pc(s)
ENV HAT is a M5StackC compatible environmental sensor for sensing temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and geomagnetic. It consists of three sensors - BMM150 for geomagnetic sensing, BMP280 for barometric pressure sensing and DHT11 to measure temperature and humidity. Because...

10 pc(s)
PIR HAT is a M5StackC compatible PIR Motion Sensor. This is a pyroelectric sensor that detects motion by measuring changes in the infrared levels emitted by surrounding objects. When the motion is detected, the sensor will output HIGH and last for two seconds until the next detecting...

7 pc(s)
SPK HAT is a M5StackC compatible speaker. This HAT module features a PAM8303 mono audio amplifier. PAM8303 is a class D amplifier, able to deliver up to 3 Watts into 4 ohm impedance speakers. Since the amp is a class D, its very efficient (over 90% efficient when driving an 8Ω speaker at over...

NodeMcu is an open source IoT platform based on the ESP-12 module. The board is pre-loaded with LUA firmware that enable you to prototype your IoT product within a few Lua script lines. You can also program it using Arduino IDE. This development kit includes a CP2102 TTL to USB chip for...
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